It's all good and dandy when I'm smiling and being everybody's favorite friend.
Let me fall off and then everything and whatever becomes an "issue".
I remember when I was being strong; strength was failing but I hung on to that rope.
The rope broke, I fell.
I fell so deep, deeper than I've ever been.
It took a while and so much work to get out.
Apparently being down isn't cool when and I couldn't be there to listen; when I wasn't smiling and pretend that everything was ok with me.
It's not cool when I shut down because I got were cold shoulders and abrupt responses when I needed a friend.
Apparently, It's not cool and I become the villain because someone asked how I've been.
Someone who didn't judge my absence and was genuinely concerned but that wasn't the problem.
The problem was the I wasn't there to hear your whining because I was in too much pain.
The pain you didn't see and pain you didn't care to see.
But, it's all good and dandy when I'm smiling and being everybody's favorite friend.
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